Healthy Snack Recipe:

If you're looking for a healthy snack recipe, try whipping up a quick batch of guacamole!

It makes a great dip for vegetables, and it's good on crackers or with tortilla chips.

This used to be on my mental list of "things that must be bought at a store". I had no idea that it is so easy to make! guacamole

Now that I know, I'll never buy prepared guacamole again. Homemade guacamole tastes so much better!

Be sure to take the time to mince the onion till it's very fine.

You'll want a perfectly ripe avocado for this healthy snack recipe.

Here's how to find one:

  • Look for an avocado with bumpy, dark green skin.
  • Put it in the palm of your hand and squeeze gently.
  • If the avocado is hard as a rock, it's not yet ripe.
  • If it feels soft and mushy, it's too ripe.
  • If it feels firm, but yields to gentle pressure, it may be exactly right.
  • If the avocado still has its stem end, peel it off. If the skin under the stem is green, the avocado is ready to eat.
  • Take the avocado home and cut it in half. Look at the flesh. If it's green around the edges and yellow near the pit, it's just right. If it has brownish spots, it's overripe. You may be able to remove the brown bits and eat the rest.
  • Remember how firm it felt? See how ripe it is? Store that information away for next time. You are well on your way to becoming an avocado expert!

I prefer to buy my avocados a bit hard and firm, and let them ripen on the counter at home.

To speed up or slow down the ripening process, see the "Tips" below.

Check that you have these staples at home

  • in the cupboard

    • salt

  • in the fridge or freezer

    • bottled lemon juice
    • onions

Buy these fresh ingredients

  • avocados
  • tomatoes

Get out your equipment

  • Essential

    • a cutting board and sharp knife
    • a small bowl
    • a spoon
    • a fork or potato masher

  • Nice to have but not necessary

    • measuring spoons (if not, just estimate the amounts)

    The recipe

    1 ripe avocado

    2 Tbsp/30 mL minced onion

    1 Tbsp/15 mL lemon juice

    1 small tomato, chopped

    dash of salt

    Cut the avocado lengthwise around the seed.
    Rotate the halves in opposite directions, and gently pull them apart.

    Use a small spoon to remove the pit.
    Discard it.
    Scoop out the innards into a small bowl.

    Add the onion and lemon juice.
    Mash it all together well.

    Add the tomato and salt.


    • Use freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of bottled.

    • Use scallions instead of onion.

    Ideas for making this recipe your own

    • Make a zesty guacamole by adding salsa, hot sauce, cayenne or diced chili peppers.

    • Add ingredients of your choice. How about some cilantro, lime juice, black beans or garlic?

    • Add spices. Black pepper or cumin would work well. What else could you try?


    • To speed up the ripening of an avocado, place it in a paper bag at room temperature. Place an apple in the bag to speed ripening even more.

    • To slow down the ripening of an avocado, put it in the refrigerator.

    • To save a cut avocado for later, brush the exposed flesh with lemon or lime juice. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Use within a day or so.

    • Buy several avocados, at varying stages of ripeness. You'll always have a ripe one when you need one.

    • You need a big batch of guacamole, but you have just a couple of avocados. What to do? You can extend the guacamole by mixing it with cottage cheese or sour cream!

    If you enjoy this healthy snack recipe, you may also like these other after school snack recipes: