Butternut Squash Soup Recipe

This butternut squash soup recipe is easy to make, but it makes the most delicious squash soup I have ever eaten!

My mouth is watering, just thinking about it! I think I'll make some soon!

butternut squash soup

If you cook the squash ahead of time, this soup takes very little time to make. If you don't cook the squash ahead of time, you can do the rest of the preparation while the squash cooks.

How to cook butternut squash

  • Preheat the oven to 375F/190C.
  • Split the squash lengthwise and scoop out the seeds.
  • Oil a baking tray with vegetable oil.
  • Place the squash face-down on the tray.
  • Bake until soft (about 40 minutes).
  • When the squash are cool enough to handle, scoop out the insides. You'll need 3 cups/750 mL cooked squash for this recipe.

    Check that you have these staples at home

    • in the cupboard

      • vegetable oil
      • garlic
      • salt
      • ground cumin
      • ground coriander
      • ground cinnamon
      • ground ginger

    • in the fridge or freezer

      • orange juice
      • butter
      • onion
      • plain yogurt

    Buy these fresh ingredients

    • butternut squash
    • white mushrooms

    Get out your equipment

    • Essential

      • a baking tray
      • a large spoon for scooping out the squash seeds
      • a food processor or heavy-duty blender
      • a large soup pot
      • a wooden spoon or other stirring spoon
      • a saucepan with a lid
      • a cutting board and sharp knife
      • measuring cups and spoons

    • Nice to have but not necessary

      • a silicone brush for oiling the baking tray
      • a wooden spatula or other spatula
      • a garlic press (if not, mince the garlic finely)
      • a mushroom brush

      The butternut squash soup recipe

      3 cups/750 mL cooked butternut squash

      2 1/2 cups/625 mL water

      1 cup/250 mL orange juice

      1 Tbsp/15 mL butter

      1 cup/250 mL chopped onion

      2 medium cloves garlic, crushed

      1 tsp/5 mL salt

      1/2 tsp/2 mL ground cumin

      1/2 tsp/2 mL ground coriander

      1/2 tsp/2 mL ground cinnamon

      1 tsp/5 mL ground ginger

      1 Tbsp/15 mL water

      2 1/2 cups/625 mL sliced mushrooms

      plain yogurt

      Put the cooked squash and the first amount of water in a blender or food processor. (You may have to do this in batches.) Pureé until smooth.

      Put the purée into a large soup pot.
      Add the orange juice.

      Heat the butter in a saucepan with a lid.
      Add the onion, garlic, salt, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, ginger and 1 Tbsp/15 mL water.
      Sauté over medium heat for about 10 minutes, adding more water if needed, until the onion is very soft.

      Add the mushrooms to the saucepan.
      Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

      Add the onion mixture to the soup pot.
      Be sure to scrape up every morsel from the bottom of the saucepan.

      Heat the soup over low heat.

      Spoon into individual bowls.
      Top each serving with a dollop of plain yogurt.


      • Use acorn squash instead of butternut.

      Ideas for making this butternut squash soup recipe your own

      • Try using another citrus juice in place of the orange juice. How about an orange-pineapple blend?


      • Butternut squash have a smooth texture. They are beige in color. They are most easily recognized by their bell-like shape.

      • I like using a wooden spatula to scrape the good stuff from the bottom of the saucepan.

      • If your blender is just a regular one, be very cautious about using it to purée the squash! Do small amounts at a time, and stop if your blender makes funny noises or smells bad. You don't want to burn out the motor! (I'm speaking from experience here!)

      • You'll need one or two butternut squashes, depending on their size. I always cook two, just in case. It's always better to have too much than too little. I freeze any extra for next time.

      • Use pure 100% juice, not a sweetened juice or a "fruit cocktail". This soup is plenty sweet as it is.

      Menu suggestion

      Serve this dish with